LONG  before "The DaVinci Code - what really happened - "In the beginning..."

Considered by the vast majority of academics as implausible evidence of an ancient culture of remarkable people - causes a stir in modern times with the recovery of a captain's log from a sailing vessel that went down in a storm off the coast of Africa.

A lone archaeologist, Dr. Guy Williams who devoted the last half of his career to securing irrefutable proof the culture was responsible for major social and scientific advances - as well as metaphysical secrets - believes the culture did not die out.

Dr. Jack Sutter aware of Dr. Williams' work seeks distance and distraction from a haunting indiscretion - gathers a unique collection of five other professionals who also sign on for private reasons.

The odyssey takes the group from their predictable, comfortable careers to the military volatility of northern Africa and a jolting discovery that throws common acceptable history under the hooves of prevailing conviction...

...NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Volume lV  April, 1976

The findings of archaeologist Dr. Guy Williams’ corroborated the conclusions of three noted Dutch geologists who had ventured on a similar puzzle-piecing quest in search of a highly advanced ancient culture.

Both the Dutch and Canadian scientists studied the log from a salvaged two-century-old wreck of the Portuguese merchant ship the Blue Queen. The log entry that sparked immediate global controversy made a positive, but disjointed description of a similar sub-civilization that an expedition of Dutch industrial geologists claimed to have met and conversed with at length.  The geologist's sighting occurred after their field party ventured into the Atlas Mountains in northern Africa in search of specific mineral deposits.

The truly unsettling aspect of the mysterious culture alluded to in the surprisingly well-preserved ship's log, found in a metal box with its edges sealed in wax - was that the Blue Queen went down in a storm off the coast of Mauritania in the spring of 1783.  The Dutch exploration team returned from the Atlas Saharien area with their incredible story in the fall of 1971.

Reference to this same civilization or similar culture was discovered at the digs of no less than five separate archaeological sites in Crete, Egypt and Mexico.  The scattered references found at these digs were so casual in nature as to appear at first glance insignificant.  However Dr. Williams believes this sub-culture was and may still be anything, but insignificant.

Williams noted that evidence of the culture did not reappear until after the crucifixion and disappearance of the Nazarene when these people were then seen by merchants from Greece.  The account of those merchants parallels the experiences recorded in the log of the Blue Queen and of the Dutch geologists.

 PART I... The Quest

 Where do I stand,
What place is this
That makes me want to run?
 I want to leave,
Yet need to stay
On this other side of the sun.


Jack Sutter leaned back in his desk chair then stretched his arms above his head.  With one foot he pushed against the floor and swung his desk chair around to face the wide stretch of glass behind him. With his hands behind his head, he rested his gaze over the familiar campus skyline.

Eight floors below his office window he watched the weaving activity of hundreds of students. They hurried along dozens of sidewalks and pathways that criss-crossed the 314 acre campus like strips of crisp bacon connecting twenty-six office buildings, lecture halls, and dormitories.

He rubbed his temples, slowly willing a tension headache that hovered behind his eyes to dissolve.

September had always been Sutter’s favorite month, fall his favorite season.  The smells were crisp almost sweet, the colors were bracing.  In fall Nature bestowed a grand finale of turning leaves in rich tangerine and lemon - taking a bow before the final curtain of winter’s powdered sugar.

Generally, the beginning of a new term was precisely the therapy he needed.  Once lost in revising lectures and caught up in the whirlwind energy of students with their needs - he coped.

He read again the typed lines of his opening notes to the first year students.  Fundamentally it was the same material printed on recipe cards every year, with slight alterations to curb his monotony.

This year he would no longer give full class lectures to first, second, and third year students. As the new dean in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Calgary, the extent of his future contact with the vast majority of those young people would be the ten minute opening pep, then the more demanding challenge of fourth year and the graduate students.

Sutter eased out of the high-back chair and paced his office.  He glanced at his watch.  Just another thirty-two minutes before he met Pete Roberts then gave the opening introduction to Robert's class.

Jack was restless.  Frustrated by a vast accumulation of circumstances of which he was well aware and much more he could not yet define.

Dr. Aaron Fisherman's untimely stroke took the department by surprise.  Jack had been hastily shuffled into his place temporarily.  Then the university received word that Dr. Fisherman's full recovery was in doubt.

At first Sutter was proud of his appointment as department head the previous spring.  But his sense of achievement at securing the appointment slowly began to erode.  Intermittent depression fixed like fog to more and more of his days, until his work ceased to be the haven of security in which he relied for refuge and escape.

The phone on Sutter's desk broke rudely into his thoughts.  He stood for a moment glaring at the intruding technology.  On the fourth ring he finally picked up the receiver.


"Dr. Sutter, Dr. Roberts just called.  He asked if you could meet with him in the lecture room earlier than ten to nine."

"How much earlier, Grace?"

"Is now possible?"

"Did he say what he wanted?"

"Not in great detail.  Something about a guest lecturer, sponsored by the Glenbow Museum, a Dr. Guy Williams."

"Okay.  Thanks Grace.  You needn't call Pete back.  I'll go down right away.  Oh, and I won't return until one thirty so just take messages this morning.  Hopefully I can get back to everyone after lunch this afternoon."

As Sutter replaced the receiver he thought of Grace Fleury.  How appropriate that someone like Grace should be secretary to the head of archaeology.  She was nearly as old as the Province of Alberta and better than any computer.  All pertinent data was stored and cross filed in Miss Fleury's delicate head, securely topped by an unruly shock of naturally curly hair the color of raw cotton that reminded Sutter of unraveled wool.

The slim, bird-like lady had never missed a day due to illness and was punctual with the precision of a finely crafted French clock.

Grace had been secretary to the late Dr. Joseph LaRose when Jack struggled through his first four years as an undergraduate, at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.  She later became secretary to Dr. Fisherman in Calgary when Jack was a graduate student working on his Master's thesis.  He had known Grace Fleury for twenty-two years and marveled that time had not touched her.

Dr. Sutter made his way to the central bank of elevators.  The lecture hall occupied a quarter of the space on the fifth floor of the Earth Sciences Building, with some laboratory facilities available on the same floor and in the basement.

He walked through the open doorway and down the carpeted steps that lead into the vast pie-shaped room.  It had capacity seating for two hundred, though Archaeology 101 could never boast that many committed first year electives.  By the second year, usually about sixty had selected ancient sciences as their major and that number remained constant to graduation.  But less than one third of the graduates went on to complete further specialized studies of field training.

Pete Roberts sat on the corner of the table at the center of the lecture podium.  He was reading intently and hadn't noticed he wasn't alone in the room until Dr. Sutter stood directly in front of him.

"Jack.  Good morning, didn't expect you this quick."  He lowered the National Geographic that had so absorbed his attention greeting his one-time professor and thesis advisor.

Pete looked a full ten years younger than thirty-eight.  His sandy blonde hair cut short, never varied in style.  The deep blue eyes that hinted of mischief had turned many a female head on campus.  Sutter suspected the younger man would retain his friendly, boyish good looks well into his retirement years.

"Grace seemed to think it was important.  And our new crop will be arriving in less than fifteen minutes so I thought it best to hustle on down.  What's up?"

"Have you seen this?"  Pete held up a thirty-five year old edition of National Geographic.  It was open to the first of four feature articles.  He handed it to Sutter.

Jack quickly scanned the first two pages.  "No, not this article in particular, but I know Guy Williams' work.  He's one of the best known archaeologists in the world.  Most of his field of study was in South America before he had to stop working at dig sites.  Apparently he suffered from severe outbreaks of arthritis."

"He was lecturing at McGill for a time."  Jack paused and flipped back to the cover, then frowned.  "1976? Williams must be around eighty by now."

"Eighty-four to be exact.  And he is the same Dr. Williams Catherine has booked to speak at the Glenbow next month."

"I didn't think he was still working."

"Well he isn't, officially.  However, occasionally since retiring from McGill he’s done some guest speaking when he felt up to it.  Catherine has her fingers crossed he doesn't become ill again before he is slated to speak here."

"And so she should.  I never met him personally, but Aaron did.  In fact, he worked under Williams as a doctorate student three years prior to the last dig Dr. Williams organized.  I cut-my-teeth on a number of Williams' published papers.  What's to be his topic?"

"This."  Pete tapped the periodical with his first finger.  "Apparently this illusive culture has been one of his pet subjects for half his life.  But other than a small party of Mauritanian government officials who attempted without success to duplicate the route taken by the Dutch, Dr. Williams had no success convincing anyone to part with the money he needed for another, more intensive search."

A familiar buzz sounded, first bell.  The two men looked up to see close to a hundred students already seated with more filing in through the open double door to fill the rows of stepped seats.

"It’s nearly curtain time."  Pete smiled.  He made a last minute check of his projector, while Sutter arranged his note cards across the table.

The doors were closed after the second bell and three stragglers hurried to vacant seats.  Dr. Roberts joined Dr. Sutter on the podium.  He introduced himself as attending professor then his friend and department head.

"Good morning and welcome to our past."  Dr. Sutter began.

"History, the maintained written record of mankind's accomplishments and failures, is little less than three thousand years-old."

"Writing itself has existed just over six thousand years.  The major slice of our distant past however, was not recorded in any written form, but based on legend, tradition, or simple drawings."

"There would exist a great void in our present knowledge of evolution were it not for archaeology.  One of the most interesting aspects of this form of science has been to bridge the stories, handed down by word of mouth generation to generation, from undisputed fact or unquestionable fiction.  A perfect example of that was found in Homer's account of Troy and the ancient Greek heroes of the Trojan wars along with his classic poems.  Virtually all of this material remained unsubstantiated until the excavations in Greece and Asia Minor showed that what Homer wrote had a foundation by evidence."

As Jack scanned the faces scattered before him he knew he didn't have his audience leaning on the edges of their seats tense with anticipation, but they weren't staring at him glassy-eyed, or down at the floor either.

"Because of archaeology civilizations long-extinct, lost cities and forgotten ways of life have surfaced.  It was archaeology that discovered startling evidence from tablets found in the Near East that much of the legal code much of the human race follows today, can be traced back over four thousand years to its origin in one of the earliest civilizations - the Sumerians."

"Considering how important archaeology has become in adding to our knowledge it is, but an infant among the sciences."

Only within the last one hundred years has it grown from a hobby of the academic amateur into a recognized scientific profession.  It was only early in the Twentieth Century that historians reluctantly came to acknowledge the relevance of archaeology.  Then as the decades past the work gained greater momentum with each new discovery that exposed new information acquiring critical importance."

"It is hoped by me and this entire department that not only will the majority of you seated here today complete the next four years, but due to the volume of detailed knowledge necessary within the general framework of archaeology, will go on to specialize in one of the many tributaries of investigation associated with ancient studies."

"The successful archaeologist must possess a vast reserve of patience with perseverance, a flair for discovery, a serious regard for the truth, and a slice of genius for interpretation."

With that, Dr. Sutter ended his annual opening remarks.  The new students clapped as he ascended the same stairs to the back of the lecture hall, then out the same double doors he had entered half an hour before.

The fresh new faces had seemed attentive enough.  But this fall he felt deflated with hypocrisy.  He had become a textbook scientist.  He spoke to bright, alert minds about the digs and discoveries made by others.  He had once possessed just the flair he had spoken of - shelved so many years ago.  He hadn't picked up a brush or a spade in years for anything more startling than a demonstration of the proper handling and technique.

Sutter rode the elevator to the main floor then left the building by a side entrance.  He followed a narrow cement path to the staff parking lot at the rear of the eight storey red brick building.  He unlocked the driver's door of his jeep tossing his notes over the back of the driver’s seat.  The cards fell like leaves in a litter on the rear floor as he got in behind the steering wheel.

With the homing instinct of a wounded animal seeking refuge, he drove south to the center of the city, an almost overnight collection of towering glass and concrete that hadn't existed when he was in elementary school.  Driving east on fifth avenue, he turned right on fourth street, threading his way through the mid-morning traffic south again all the way to the river along Elbow Drive.

The old familiar neighborhoods of Glencoe, Rideau Park and Roxboro that branched off of Elbow Drive always gave him solace.  He often walked their streets for hours never tiring of the vintage architecture that had remained unchanged for over ninety years.

These areas were still as he remembered growing up in Calgary.  So far they hadn’t suffered the crass indecencies of instant devastation at the hands of a trigger-happy developer.

Storm clouds were building inside of him.  Sometime soon, he feared his fragile charade would crumble, fracturing his carefully sculptured life into ruins.

He braked then parked by the curb along Roxboro Road.  The houses were built flanking the south, wide grassy boulevard overlooking the Elbow River that bordered the north side of the street.

Sutter left his car and stood for several minutes absorbing the venerable peace and serenity of the neighborhood.  Directly across from where he parked stood a sizeable brown brick bungalow with wide hanging eaves, and an imposing square pillared veranda that spanned the front of the house.

He turned away from the house and walked toward the gently swaying river.  He allowed the rhythmic rippling to hypnotize him until he felt relaxed, tension melted away like snow in a Chinook.

Jack Sutter did not match the stereotypical notion of an archaeologist or indeed the hackneyed perception of a university professor.  No corduroy pants, or tweed jackets with suede leather patches at the elbows.  He appeared for all there was to see at first glance, a banker, an insurance broker, or business executive.

He looked somewhat out of place as he stood dressed in his three-piece, custom cut grey wool suit, on the same river bank that one hundred years before had sheltered a small camp of Sarcee Indians who had come to trade at Fort Calgary.

Despite the shaded grass, and leaves still damp from the cool fall night and the price of his suit he sat cross-legged on the ground.  His thoughts drifted to his First Nations heritage.

Had any man from the band of his great grandfather's people faced a similar self crisis? Somehow he doubted it.  Indians of that time were true realists.

His paternal grandmother had married an officer in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  Together, they had crisscrossed Canada a dozen times in the course of his police career, packing three sons and a daughter from province to province.

Calgary, Alberta made an indelible impression on Jack's father as a boy.  The emerging cosmopolitan excitement of the fledgling oil industry blended with the small-town ranching friendliness, framed to the west by the northern Rocky Mountains, said home to him. Jack's father headed west after graduation and taught high school his entire working life in the sprawling foothills city - history his passion and specialty.

Many of Jack's summers had been spent visiting his uncles and aunt, who like Jack's father, found a special place among the many cities and towns they had lived in throughout their growing years. Those summers had also included Nova Scotia, the Maritime province of his grandfather's birth where his grandparents finally settled at retirement.

Jack had never tired of the stories his grandparents told of the early settlement years in Western Canada.  From his grandmother he learned of the land-wise natives who helped early settlers to survive their first winters.

From Jack’s grandfather he learned of the RCMP and the people of the Maritimes - fishermen, miners and farmers. From his father came the history of Europe.  The seeds of the past became deeply planted.  As he grew so did they until they matured into a feast of ancient knowledge for which he continually hungered.

But something else had grown within his as well - something dark.

He closed his grey-brown eyes, a legacy from his paternal grandmother.  Then bowed his prematurely greying head, a legacy from his maternal grandfather - and prayed to Niska Ku Luk Li - as his Sarcee TsuuTina grandmother taught him.

He prayed for a miracle.

He prayed for release. 


Catherine Toy emerged from the third floor conference room to see her secretary Jillian Whitehead hurrying down the hall toward her.  Jillian had a panicked expression and Catherine braced herself to meet with the latest crisis.

"Catherine, I just took a call from your sister Joanna.  Your mother fell and broke her hip. Joanna telephoned from Foothills Hospital Emergency to let you know that your mother was on her way to surgery. She tried your cell."

Catherine felt weak and a little light headed. She patted her pockets. “I left my phone on my desk.”

"Its nine fifteen," Jillian reminded Catherine.  "Dr. Williams is slated to speak to our sixty-three invited university professors and graduate students at ten.  What are you going to do?"

Catherine struggled to manage her thoughts.  "When did this happen?"
She had worked long days for many weeks against high odds to arrange for Dr. Williams to come.  She couldn't just walk out now, but she wanted desperately to be with her mother.  Her father certainly wouldn't be there.

"Sometime early this morning," answered Jillian.  "A neighbour who came over to borrow something found your mother lying unconscious at the bottom of the second floor stairs.  Joanna's gallery was the first phone number the neighbour found after calling 911."

"Did Joanna mention Dr. Lee?"

"Yes, he's there.  Joanna already called your other sister too. This sure isn't a good time for you to leave, but I could introduce Dr. Williams and get everything started."

"Thanks, I know."

Catherine headed for the elevator, Jillian hurried to follow. They rode it down two levels to the first floor where offices for the six curators, their staff, and the file room were located.

The main floor of the Glenbow Museum housed the public reception area, another small conference room, a display area, and the main delivery dock with storage for the shipping and receiving articles for display on a rotation basis as well as new and permanent acquisitions.

The four floors of the museum built in 1963, quartered displays of prehistoric and early man, ancient history, recent global history, Canadian History and a special exhibit of Canadian Native Cultures.

Replicas of the English Crown Jewels, a history of Alberta, and its early oil and ranching roots as well as a detailed historical exhibit dedicated to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, occupied the fourth floor.

The third floor sheltered temporary art displays, antiques and artefacts on loan from other museums or travelling exhibits.

Four junior curators reported to two senior curators under the museum's director who stood guard over Glenbow's operation, financial security and expanding reputation.

The junior curators worked with a Spartan support staff of one secretary, and one research assistant, who also doubled in the museum's library.  Catherine Toy was the youngest and sole woman among the curator staff.

After graduating from the University of Calgary she spent two years in South America then returned to complete her masters’ thesis in Epigraphy.  After that, she had been offered a temporary archives position in Mexico City.

Three years later she returned to Calgary and joined the Glenbow Museum staff as research assistant to Ian Usselman.  With Ussleman's encouragement she tackled her doctorate, with a thesis on Paleogeography.

With her PhD in hand, Catherine was again about to escape to an excavation in Crete when two events got in the way. Dr. Ussleman was in line for a senior curator post.  And he made it clear to Catherine that he favored her over anyone else as his replacement.  Then Pete Roberts - unsuccessful in his bid to persuade Catherine to agree to marry him - convinced her to move in with him.  So in his words, " can see first-hand, what a charming fellow I am”.

Catherine was in love with Pete and had been for many years.  But for all the differences between Pete and her father she continued to harbor a deep inner fear of finding herself discarded like her mother.

With less than a year under her belt as the new junior curator - an appointment that impressed her father not at all - Catherine flew to Montreal for the Museum. While there she heard Dr. Williams speak at one of his rare public appearances.

Catherine was impressed by the vast expertise and professional passion of the ageing scientist, who until her trip east, had only glimpsed through the pages of archaeology journals.  She felt certain that such a timeless, eloquent speaker, and noted expert would be a boon to the growing national reputation and international awareness the Glenbow Museum worked to project.

Upon her return the reality of the deflated Alberta economy and her new-face-at-the-bottom-of-the-totem-pole status, left her little hope of inviting Dr. Williams.

In theory the curators worked as a team for the total good of the museum.  In practise, they often guarded pet projects, lobbying for the displays they wanted over the practicalities of limited space.  The prima-donnas far outnumbered the musketeers.

Catherine's memo to the museum director regarding Dr. Williams, met with a short and simple, "Not at this time," response.  Disappointed, but not discouraged she enlisted the aid of her supervisor.

Considering Dr. Williams professional status and the relatively small amount of money involved to invite the man to speak, Ian went to bat for her. Dr. Ussleman received a more detailed explanation for the "no", but a duplicate no none the less.

"Sorry China couldn't get to square one with the old guy."  The endearing nickname Ian hung on Catherine her first week at the museum rarely failed to enlist a smile no matter what her mood.  "This meant a great deal to you didn't it?"

Catherine looked up and met Ian's pale blue eyes fringed by the same pale copper-coloured lashes as his hair - her trusted friend and mentor.  A wisp of a smile played around the corners of her mouth softening the usual hard line.  But the black almond-shaped eyes were still sad, her thoughts miles away.

Ian had been very taken with the dainty, dark young woman with the ancient Asian heritage.  Never having enjoyed the gift of children himself, though he and his wife lived contentedly enough, he felt a strong almost fatherly protectiveness toward Catherine. Though, often enough, she had proved more than capable of defending herself against her male peers.  Soon after her appointment had finally been secured, he ceased to worry for her professional future in dealing with competition. 

"As you are well aware," Ian attempted to clarify a highly political situation.  "The first items on the menu to suffer during an economic decline are the arts, or anything knitted in with that general weave.  The museum's interests are considered expendable by too many government agencies and fickle corporate sponsors on their threatened list of financial priorities."

"Business and private donations are down by a third this year.  Social service group donations and federal sponsorship has also dropped by a third.  Provincial government funding was frozen at last year's level.  Many of our most avid, past patrons were loyal only because they felt it was culturally impressive for their personal image to be so.  Something like appearing in church every Sunday is good for one's social, and community business standing."

"Now that the financial futures of these same hollow people don't look as full, they have withdrawn all support post-haste taking their open wallets with them." Ian shook his head.  "Rats and sinking ships and all that sort of thing."

"Those who have always believed in the museum as a part of Calgary's natural growth and cultural development are still with us.  But, for all intent and purpose our private financial base is so depleted as not to be counted on for too many extras in our immediate future."

"Okay," conceded Catherine.  "I can understand that, but two things.  Why didn't the director explain that to me in his return memo and what about the Special Events Fund?"

Catherine's eyes were so dark that even from the four foot distance between his desk chair and the chair she occupied across from him, Ian couldn’t see her pupils.  Her round delicate face was simply framed by straight black, shoulder length hair parted to the side.  The ebony eyes were angry and her lovely features rigid.

Ian took a deep breath.  "In answer to your first question, our director is sixty-eight years old and his, woman's place in the home attitude still pervades far too many of his decisions."  He pointed a finger at Catherine, grinning.  "You are pushy.  With the men at your level, it's ambition.  And on that view he’s as unmoveable as your own father."

"To your second question, you made the fatal mistake of mentioning your plans to Arthur before you presented your memo to the director.  Our very own, all's fair in love, war and special events funding - Arthur P. Sheldon."

“I did tell Arthur.”

"Arthur hadn't completed folding in all of the loose ends of his project, but he rushed to submit a request ahead of yours to finance the showing of that newly discovered native artist from Portland, Oregon.  As far as I know to date, the artist has not sent confirmation that he will come let alone allow a showing of any of his work."

"At best, if the showing does go ahead so many of the finer details were not fully completed that Arthur may have a short fall if he’s under estimated those hasty figures he submitted.  Which of course would leave dear Arthur somewhere on the near side of stupid, but that doesn't help you."

"That pile of cow chips!"  She rested her elbow on the arm of the chair and rubbed her forehead with the tips of her fingers.

"Money for special showings for which our director in his wisdom considers trendy, like Judy Chicago's - The Dinner Party - he doles out sparingly."

Catherine's weary head shot up.  "Well that's ridiculous.  The money for that was raised outside of the museum's regular budget.  The appeal to the public as well as advanced ticket sales, paid for the Chicago showing."

"True." Ian continued.  "But you are seen as a symbol of that same kind of thing - a trend.  Edgar Loots, bless his misguided heart, actually believes it's just a matter of time before women tire of careers then retreat to their gardening, sewing and meal planning, and life will return to normal. He doesn’t acknowledge this so-called trend, that began at the turn of the Twentieth Century has gained a steady momentum from the Second World War and is now well into another century.”

“Okay then if I raise the money, to bring Dr. Williams here, as the money for The Dinner Party and every other special event since was acquired, could I book the third floor conference too?"

Ian smiled.  He knew even if the director did not, that Dr. Guy Williams would indeed be speaking at the Glenbow Museum.  "I don't see why not.  I'll notify the director of your intentions.  And, I might add will look forward to meeting Dr. Williams in person."

Catherine had raised the money with the help of her two younger sisters, Joanna and Angela.  Joanna's husband owned an art gallery in Chinatown, specializing in Oriental silk art and hand carved jade sculptures.  Many of his regular patrons were wealthy, influential people.

Angela tapped her husband's contacts within the education system.  As a counsellor at a major high school, together with a decade of experience at other city schools, his connections too were extensive.

From an unexpected source came a generous donation from Catherine's father.  He had drawn contributions from the clients who dealt with his accounting firm.  The gesture was more of a face-saving for his family name than for any reason of parental love or pride. However Catherine accepted the additional donation anyway because the extra meant that as junior curator of the Ancient Cultures Department she could sponsor a four day seminar instead of two, offering expanded displays of Dr. Williams’ artefacts to Calgary and area high schools, colleges and the university.

The elevator door opened and Catherine hurried down the hall to her grape-sized office.  Closing the door behind her, she fought back the tears. Her mother was precious to her.  Yet she had laboured to exhaustion for this seminar and the next four days would leave little in the way of free time for anything that wasn't related to Dr. Williams' visit.

Lost in thought she didn’t hear the light tap on her office door.  Nor did she notice that the door had opened and someone had entered the room, until a soft, warm kiss was planted on her cheek.

Startled, she looked up to find Pete standing beside her.  "I don't suppose plans for our future wedding were occupying your obviously serious thoughts just then?"  He teased, grinning.

Catherine's expression of despair deepened as she looked at him.  Then one tiny tear tipped over the edge and slid down her flawless cheek, dropping off the side of her chin.  Pete was shaken.  Only twice before in the ten years he had known Catherine had he seen her cry.

Silently he opened his arms and she came to him.  He held her quietly for a moment then released her and waited for her to share her pain.  There had been nothing more than one tiny tear, but for someone like Catherine it was as if she had sobbed to the heavens.

"My mother fell and broke her hip this morning. A neighbour found her.  She's in surgery now.  I should... I want to go to her, but I have an obligation here for the next four days.  All mother really has is her daughters.  She needs each one of us."  She moved away from him and circled her desk chair.

Pete watched her pace for a few minutes then offered what would have been obvious to Catherine had she not been emotionally tied into a tight knot. "Listen, I realize you’re the eldest, but your mother does have two other daughters.  The fact of the matter is Angela, and Joanna can take turns staying at the hospital.  They’re home with little ones full time, and both have a mother-in-law who can see to the grandchildren."

"Leave word at the hospital for someone to call you here when your mother comes out of surgery.  Then find out how long the doctor expects her to be in recovery.  You don't need to leave here until she’s awake."

Catherine brightened. Pete pressed on.  "Dr. Williams will certainly be sympathetic if you miss some of his lectures.  Cyril and I have worked closely with you on this.  We've talked on the phone to Williams almost as much as you have before he arrived.  We can certainly cover for you easily enough once the seminar’s launched."

Pete winked.  “What happened to my practical, clear thinking girl?"

"She had a momentary relapse."

"Which, only goes to prove how much you need me."  He grinned again.  "What if this kind of thing happens again?"

Catherine tossed an eraser at him.



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